Blue Badge Application & Supporting Information

Please find below the guidance from the London Borough of Havering regarding Blue Badge applications, for your information:

Please note your GP should NOT be asked for specific information for your mobility application and an appointment should not be made solely for the purpose of obtaining medical letters/reports for your application, but you should provide existing documentation in line with your routine medical appointments. 

Acceptable documents:

  • A copy of any medical letters or reports that you already have, dated within the last 2 years regarding your condition. Your documents must confirm that you have permanent and substantial impairment which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking.
  • Copies of medical history documents no more than two years old.
  • Social Services assessment / correspondence

If you no longer have copies of medical letters or reports, the practice reception can provide a duplicate or provide you with a patient summary of your medical conditions and medications.

HAVERING BOROUGH Blue Badge Guidance March 2022